Our Project

Feed a Child for a Week
Your funds will feed a child for a week.

Buy a Crib for an Infant
Your funds will buy a crib for an infant.

General Upkeep Needs
Your funds will provide general upkeep needs (personal hygiene, beddings, clothing) for infants.

1 year of Food and Medical Support
Your funds provide food and medical support for an orphan annually.

Vocational Training
Your funds provide orphans with essential training to get a job.

Give the Gift of Education
Your funds provide an orphan of school age books, school supplies, uniforms and tuition annually.
Recent Blog

March 5, 2019
Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake Supports FOADAC
It is my pleasure to welcome you to the 5th Anniversary Gala of the Foundation for Orphaned, Abandoned, and Disabled African Children (FOADAC).

February 2, 2014
Orphans, abuse and the world’s most vulnerable children: Recent research
Few problems deserve attention more than stopping the abuse of vulnerable children, yet this area remains in great need of more reliable data. For example,
March 5, 2019
A Message from Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake
FOADAC Anniversary Gala 2015